Public And Economists Oppose Obama’s Tax Hike Plan

September 29, 2010

Obama There Is Bipartisan Support To Keep Bush Tax Cuts

Two surveys have found popular support for keeping the Bush-era tax cuts in place for all taxpayers – a key plank in the House GOP’s “Pledge to America.” A survey by CNN/Money found that 60% of economists polled support keeping the Bush tax cuts for all.      continued….

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Mitch McConnell “No Higher Taxes For Anyone”

September 16, 2010

Bill To Keep Bush Tax Cuts

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is taking a stand for freedom and the hard working American Taxpayers.  He is introducing a bill in the Senate that would prevent anyone from paying a higher tax rate next year than they do this year. This would effectively extend all of the Bush tax cuts for another year and give a new Congress the chance to straighten this mess out.   continued….

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Will Small Business Survive Obama Tax Battle

April 28, 2009

Will Obama Destroy Small Businesses With Tax Increases?

Since last year’s campaign, President Obama has vowed repeatedly not to increase taxes for families making less than $250,000 a year. That pledge, while politically popular, has left him with just two primary sources of funding for his ambitious social agenda: about 3 million high-earning families and the nation’s businesses.

Liberal Obama has said he hopes to “restore some balance to the tax code.” In reality what Obama is doing is redistributing wealth. What balance is there in the tax code when you raise taxes on everyone making $250,000 or more and reduce or eliminate taxes on everyone else. The top 5% of taxpayers pay over 90% of taxes now. more