America Under Siege From Islamic Jihad

September 12, 2010

Obama Bows To The Muslims

There have been more Muslim terrorist attacks on Americans in the 18 months socialist Barack Hussein Obama has been president than in the eight years George Bush was president.  Obama campaigned on being the uniter. He has traveled the world trashing America and Americans while praising the Muslims…continued… 

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Tax Dollars For Ground Zero Imam Trip And Book

August 26, 2010

American Taxpayers Paying For Daisy Khan Trip Too

American tax dollars are now paying for a Middle East trip for Daisy Khan who is Rauf’s wife. We found out before that American tax dollars were paying for a trip for Imam Rauf to the Middle East.  Is this where Rauf is getting funds to build the Ground Zero mosque?  continued….

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Pro And Con Rallies On Ground Zero Mosque

August 23, 2010

It Is Not An Issue Of Religious Freedom

The liberal socialist left / Democrats were chanting: “We don’t care what bigots say, religious freedom is here to stay.”  When did the socialists start caring about religious freedom?  They daily try to remove religion from every aspect of American life.  But for terrorists they tout its religious freedom.  continued….

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